Tots (T, Th)- $125Registration Fee
- $225Per Month
Tots (M, W, F)- $125Registration Fee
- $337Per Month
3’s (M, W)- $125Registration Fee
- $225Per Month
3’s (T, Th)- $125Registration Fee
- $225Per Month
4’s (T, W, F)- $125Registration Fee
- $337Per Month
4’s (M, T, W, Th)- $125Registration Fee
- $421Per Month
4’s (M, T, W, Th, F)- $125Registration Fee
- $525Per Month
If you have any questions about our amazing preschool, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Registration now open for Summer Kids Kamp and Fall 2025 Preschool! See registration forms below!
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Opportunities & Schedules subject to change
due to health protocols and restrictions
as well as space/class availability
Extended Day options available
Register for 2024-25 School Year
- There is still plenty of fun and learning left in this school year!
- Tuition/Program Info for 2024-25: Tuition 2024-25
- Registration (+ Emergency/Pick Up) Form for 2024-25: Preschool Registration form 2024-25
Registration Open for 2025-26 School Year
- Tuition/Program Info for 2025-25: Tuition 2025-26
- Registration (+ Emergency/Pick Up) Form for 2025-26: Preschool Registration form 2025-26
Join Us for Summer Kids Kamp
- Fun for kids between 2.5 and 10 years old, plus Counselors-in-Training and Internship Programs!
- Check the Summer Kids Kamp webpage for details
Payment Information
- Being part of the Christ Lutheran PreSchool Program is a year-long commitment. We arrange for staffing and organize our school year based on the commitment of our families each fall. We appreciate your partnership in creating and maintaining this program.
- Payment is due on the first day of each month or trimester (Sept, Dec, March).
- If you will be out of town when payment is due, please pay in advance. An additional fee will be charged for late payments.
- $10 late fee will be assessed on the 10th of the month or trimester; each additional day after the 10th will incur an additional $5 fee.
- Checks should be made payable to “CLPS” or “Christ Lutheran Preschool” and placed in the tuition box in the hallway. Write your child’s name on the check.
- If you pay with cash, please place cash in an envelope with child’s name and reason for payment. If you would like a receipt, please write “receipt” in the memo portion of the check or on the envelope.
- CLPS accepts credit cards. You may pay online through this website or in person, via card swipe on the preschool IPAD. There is a 3% processing fee for all credit card payments. Please add 3% to your total payment when paying online. If the processing fee is not included with your payment, the Fee will be included on your next invoice.
- Additional children (siblings only) in a family receive a 10% discount.
- Christ Lutheran Church members receive a 20% discount on their total tuition.