In order to support busy families, Christ Lutheran PreSchool offers Extended Day coverage for all of our students. Children enjoy enrichment activities, free play time, rest/quiet time and more. During Extended Day, children are taught by our Christ Lutheran teachers and staff, ensuring a comfortable, loving (and flexible) option for your child and your family.

While parents receive a discount if they pre-register for a block of sessions, flexible last-minute coverage is also available, if there is space in the class.

  • 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. – Early Drop Off
  • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Lunch Bunch
  • 11:30 to 2 p.m. – Lunch Bunch plus Enrichment Activity
  • 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Extended Day (early)
  • 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. – Extended Day (late)

Examples of enrichment activities:

  • Monday – Shake, Bake and Grow: Through literature, children learn ways to create healthy snacks, shake out their sillies, and keep moving.
  • Tuesday – Alphabet Adventures:  Children investigate a letter of the alphabet through literature, math games, crafts, movement and games.
  • Wednesday – Explorers:  Children explore their world, starting with a question of the day and ending with a science experiment. In between, games, movement, and literature revolving around cooking, fitness, color science, sports, pets, airplanes and more!
  • Thursday – Expressive Creations:  Creative art is essential for early childhood development. Children will experiment with a variety of materials as they express themselves – we’ll use chalk, paints, and things you don’t expect as we discover art and self expression.
  • Friday – Music, Games and Fun:  The emphasis is on group activities involving games and music. Books, art projects, and lots more to spark creative play.

 Extra Days of Fun – for Students and Siblings!

On occasion, Christ Lutheran PreSchool (and our public schools) will schedule a “no school” day. These days include Columbus Day, Election Day (as our building serves as a polling place), and Martin Luther King Day. To support our families, our teachers develop an Extra Day of Fun for not only our preschool students but also their siblings in kindergarten through 5th grade. (And siblings receive a 10 percent discount!) The day includes age-appropriate games, activities, arts and crafts, playground time and rest. Please provide a packed lunch for each child – we provide snacks. You may sign up for coverage from as early as 7:30 a.m. until 6 p.m.  Drop off and pick up is flexible – just ring the doorbell when you arrive. (Christ Lutheran PreSchool is a secure facility and is locked during the day.) Please sign up and pay in advance; classes do fill quickly.