More than 25 Years of Experience in early childhood learning

Tot Program
Our Tot program offers a child-centered, developmentally appropriate program for two-and-a half to three year olds. Our focus is on creating a nurturing environment where young children begin to spread their wings and recognize themselves and everyone around them as a unique creation. Children socialize, cooperate and practice responsible behavior in what is usually a child’s first group social setting. Staff is flexible and ready to work with families to create a smooth transition. Your child does not need to be toilet trained.
Encourage each child to love learning in a fun, safe early childhood experience
Developmentally appropriate opportunities to learn through hands-on exploration

Four Year Old Program
This program continues the “learning while having fun” focus with more hands-on experiences through perceptual and conceptual development, large and small motor skills, observation skills and continued personal and social development. These programs guide your child’s learning through exploration, discovery, art and play. Activities include math, science, language arts, music, spiritual enrichment and art. We offer many experiences that stimulate children’s curiosity.
Purpose-built play areas for your child’s growth and education
Pre-Kindergarten Program
The Pre-Kindergarten classes are for children who are in their last year of preschool before entering Kindergarten. The classes emphasize the creative process of learning through hands-on experiences in science, math and language arts. The children play and experiment with actual objects: holding, touching, comparing, graphing, drawing and cutting. The children explore the world around them in many ways. These comprehensive Kindergarten readiness programs concentrate on whole child development.
Designed to develop and increase your child’s independence and social skills to ensure a smooth move to elementary school.

Skilled, licensed teachers help prepare your child for elementary school