A fun and purpose built room for all the ‘Little People’
The 3 year old programs
The focus of the 3 year old programs is separation from parents, social interaction, sharing, taking turns, transitioning between activities, independence, following directions, small motor development, large motor development, beginning perceptual and conceptual development (letters, numbers, shapes, colors, etc.) and language development. All classes are for children who love learning through play while having fun in a loving Christian environment.
Classroom Facilities
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Praesent arcu gravida vehicula est node maecenas loareet morbi a dosis luctus. Urna eget lacinia eleifend praesent luctus a arcu quis facilisis venenatis. Aenean interdum, nibh vitae sodales, magna ante feugiat elit maecenas.
Loareet morbi a dosis luctus. Urna eget lacinia eleifend praesent luctus a arcu quis facilisis venenatis. Aenean interdum, nibh vitae sodales, magna ante feugiat elit maecenas.

M/W/F AM (Angelfish) or T/Th AM (Starfish)
Our Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes are designed for the younger child turning 3 years old between September 1st and December 31st or who might benefit from a smaller class and a more intimate preschool experience. The Tuesday/Thursday schedule gently introduces preschool to your child, while the Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule invites familiarity and routine for your child to adjust a little bit faster to preschool. The class generally accommodates only 8 children and follows the 3-year old curriculum in content and pace.

M/W/F AM (Sea Turtles) or T/Th AM (Sea Horses)
These classes are for children who are 3 years old before September 1st. The Tuesday/Thursday schedule gently introduces preschool to your child. If your child is actively involved in outside sports, gymnastics or playgroups – this is the class for you. The 5-day span from Thursday to Tuesday allows for a longer weekend and extra-curricular activities. The Monday-Wednesday-Friday patterned time schedule helps children adjust quicker to preschool while allowing more time during the week for learning and fun!